Friday, January 21, 2011

Να σου πω ένα μυστικό? / Shell I tell you a secret?

Εσπρέσο, Διπλός εσπρέσο, Καπουτσίνο, Μοκατσίνο, Νεσκαφέ, Νεσκαφέ με γάλα, Σοκολάτα, Σοκολάτα με γάλα? Διάλεξτε εσείς. Θέλετε να μάθετε το μυστικό τη καφέ εξαιρετικές ποιότητας?
Espresso, Double Espresso, Cappuccino, Mocaccino, Nescafe, Nescafe with milk, Chocolate drink, Chocolate drink with milk, Instant cappuccino. You choose. Do you want to find out the secret of superior quality coffee?

Grind: This is finely tweaked and adjusted to get the most out of the particular bean and roast blends. Any change in the beans requires a re-adjustment of the grind to get the optimal flavour from the brewing process. 

Water Temperature: Many traditional coffee machines, such as drip  coffee  makers, boil  the  water  and  then run  it  through  the  coffee.  Even  stove-top  espresso makers  do  this.  Scientific testing  however, has shown that the optimal temperature for the  water  in brewing espresso coffee is 94 to 96 degrees Celsius. This is significantly  below  the common boiling  point  of typical urban mineralized and treated water. Any  coffee  machine  that  runs  boiling  water  through ground coffee cannot make an optimal coffee.  Our   machines   heat   the  water   to   precisely   the right temperature and keep it there with a sophisticated control system. 

Pressure: What  happens  when you  use  a  traditional European stove top espresso machine? The water heats to boiling and then  suddenly  gets  forced through  the coffee and filter in the machine at  great  uncontrolled pressure. The final result depends on the  temperature of the stove top element, the material used to make the coffee pot and even on how tightly the top was screwed to the bottom of the pot! A different result is certain almost every time due to all the variables. Research has shown that optimal water pressure for espresso coffee is 8 to 9 atmospheres. The best cup of coffee absolutely requires the use of the correct water pressure to coax the complex mix of oils and chemicals that form the cream out into your cup. And since the cream is the first thing to coat the tongue upon tasting the coffee, using the correct pressure ensures the fullest, most flavorful and most consistent crema possible from the brew.

mmmm.... don't you just feel like having a cup?